Our Story

Meet Maddi & Destiny

Sisters, Best Friends & Business Partners!

In 2016, Maddi first became an esthetician. She was obsessed with the career and fell in love with making woman feel confident in their skin, and loving seeing them take time out of their day for themselves. Unfortunately, she hated how it felt like skincare was only for the fortunate. She feels like everyone deserves to have the knowledge to take care of their skin. Everyone deserves to use proper products. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful, and to take care of themselves.

After years of brainstorming, it finally hit her!

A subscription box that INCLUDED PROFESSIONAL SKINCARE ROUTINES plus selfcare goodies! Of course the company would have to be education based and promote a community for women to have a place where they could come together to grow, and encourage each other to feel the best, because they are the best.

Immediately, she KNEW she was going to need help! Maddi has ADHD and has a little trouble staying on task at times. So she RAN to Destiny, gave a literal slide show on her idea & asked her to join her! Destiny may be the younger sister but she’s the planner, the organizer, the one keeping Maddi in line.

Together they have spent HOURS creating Allia Beauty. It has quickly became their dream careers. They hope that we can change woman’s lives for the better, giving everyone a chance to practice selfcare & have the ability to take care of their skin.